January 25, 2013 – Lord Stern admits #climate “worse than I thought”
Ten years ago, on this day, January 25, 2013, one of the white men who has been born with a “safe pair of hands” had the good grace to admit that he’d misunderestimated the speed and breadth of...
View ArticleOf the long 1970s, non-inevitable oil company denialism and “nanobubbles”:...
One of the reasons I have continued with All Our Yesterdays is because there are definitely lots of smart activists and academics out there doing great work who deserve a signal boost and the chance...
View ArticleJanuary 26, 1970 – US science bureaucrat writes “what’s going on?” memo about...
Fifty three years ago, on this day, January 26, 1970, a Nixon-era scientist (a professor in Applied Physics no less) called Hubert Heffner expressed (understandable!) uncertainty about climate...
View ArticleJanuary 27, 1986 – Engineers try to stop NASA launching the (doomed)...
Thirty-seven years ago, on this day, January 27 1986, engineers at the company Morton-Thiokol were begging their own bosses, and NASA administrators, to delay the launch of the Challenger Space...
View ArticleJanuary 28, 2013 – Doomed “Green Deal” home insulation scheme launched in the UK
Ten years ago, on this day, January 28, 2013, it all went wrong… “Energy efficiency policy in the UK is at a watershed. On January 28th 2013, the Green Deal formally began operation. The Green Deal is...
View ArticleJanuary 29, 2001 – President Bush announces “energy taskforce”...
Twenty-two years ago, on this day, January 29 2001, newly-installed President George “Dubya” Bush announces an “energy taskforce” The National Energy Policy Development Group was a group, created by...
View ArticleJanuary 30, 1961 – New York Times reports world is cooling
Sixty two years ago, on this day, January 30 1961, in a story that would later be used by incoherent denialists, Walter Sullivan, New York Times science reporter, reported that the world was…...
View ArticleJanuary 31, 2002 – Antarctic ice shelf “Larsen B” begins to break up.
Twenty one years ago, on this day, January 31, 2002, things began to fall apart. 31 January 2002–7 March 2002- the Larsen B sector collapsed and broke up, 3,250 km² of ice 220 m thick, covering an...
View ArticleVale Will Steffen: gutsy, intelligent, compassionate climate scientist
I will add obituaries and appreciations to the man as they appear (please alert me to any you know of that aren’t on this list.) Here’s a really good piece by Graham Readfern of the Guardian...
View ArticleFebruary 1, 1978 – US TV show MacNeill Lehrer hosts discussion about climate...
Forty five years ago, on this day, February 1 1978 the PBS “MacNeill Lehrer Report” had various smart people talking about the climate problems ahead (Robert Jastrow, Gordon MacDonald, Stephen...
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